01 - Intro, asymptotic analysis, bigO, Omega.f4v 02 - theta, recurrences (merge sort, iter method).f4v 03 - recurrences part 2 (iter, master, induction method).f4v 4.recurrences part 3, ADT (Stack, Q), Tree, BST.f4v 5. - BST part 2, AVL part 1.f4v 6 - AVL part 2.f4v 7 - Probability&SkipList.f4v 8 - B-Tree part1.f4v 9. B-Tree part2, Hash.f4v 10 - Hash Part2.f4v 11 - Hash Part 3.f4v 12-heap.f4v 13 - heap-part2, hofman.f4v 14 - hofman part 2, QuickSort.f4v 15 - QuickSort part 2, compression sorts, sort in linear time (counting sort).f4v 16. sort in linear time - part 2 (radix sort, bucket sort).f4v 17. Median and order statistics (randomized select, deterministic select).f4v 18. Graph algorithm part 1(BFS, DFS).f4v 19. Graph algorithm part 2 (DFS, Search Connected Components).f4v 20 - Weighted graphs, DAG, Topological Sort, Amortized Analysis part 1.f4v 21 - Amortized Analysis part 2.f4v 22 - Union find.f4v 23 - MST, 6 Degrees of Separation (A MUST).f4v 24 - web search, page rank, preparation for exam - part 1.f4v 25 - preparation for exam, part 2.f4v