WannaCry Hello. Your files, documents, photo, databases and all the rest aren't REMOVED. They are ciphered by WannaCry the most reliable enciphering. It is impossible to restore files without our help. You will try to restore files independent you will lose files FOREVER. ---------------------------------------------------------- You will be able to restore files so: 1. to contact us by e-mail: support24@bitmessage.ch * report your ID and we will switch off any removal of files (if don't report your ID identifier, then each 24 hours will be to be removed on 24 files. If report to ID-we will switch off it) * you send your ID identifier and 2 files, up to 1 MB in size everyone. We decipher them, as proof of a possibility of interpretation. also you receive the instruction where and how many it is necessary to pay. 2. you pay and confirm payment. 3. after payment you receive the DECODER program. which you restore ALL YOUR FILES. ---------------------------------------------------------- You have 72 hours on payment. If you don't manage to pay in 72 hours, then the price of interpretation increases twice. The price increases twice each 72 hours. To restore files, without loss, and on the minimum tariff, you have to pay within 72 hours. Address for detailed instructions e-mail: support24@bitmessage.ch * If you don't waste time for attempts to decipher, then you will be able to restore all files in 1 hour. * If you try to decipher - you can FOREVER lose your files. * Decoders of other users are incompatible with your data as at each user unique key of enciphering ------------------ P.S. ---------------------------------- If it is impossible to communicate through mail * Be registered on the website http://bitmsg.me (service online of sending Bitmessage) * Write the letter to the address BM-2cVChsbUqL5H1nw98qrwbQkzdE1UqCs8nH with the indication of your mail and the personal identifier and we will communicate. If you have no bitcoins * Create Bitcoin purse: https://blockchain.info/en/wallet/new * Buy Bitcoin in the convenient way: https://localbitcoins.com/ (Visa/MasterCard, QIWI Visa Wallet, etc.) - It doesn't make sense to complain of us and to arrange a hysterics. - Complaints having blocked e-mail, you deprive a possibility of the others, to decipher the computers. Other people at whom computers are also ciphered you deprive of the ONLY hope to decipher. FOREVER. - Just contact with us, we will stipulate conditions of interpretation of files and available payment, in a friendly situation. --------------------------------------------------------- Your Identifier 0127834669013467142182908265578941101630815186575840116530291121169235367477436255678212021741078366 2746721171506735281708109101791904470319141640557341006584610741858955346972540949725244970905753192 4837939672021902179971771370396221760543773429996329056237005451033510273649903977832452508612490811 1406614701153530690545479686798009297294584430156638085874995478864075966099729487539901785377603496 7284735148624250572410778534826559499945236773335344286668426910347682263301210125776266510253625440 7188584109612177379453706018488842077693873533479350882623451169518545425462301802068041243587442683 456967047951815919