List of the fonts that you get: - VAG Rundschrift and Light (no light. sorry) - Frankfurter Medium or Bryant Bold Alt - Arial Rounded Bold and Bell Gothic Black - Helvetica Rounded Bold - FF Cocon Bold - ITC Ronda - avernus - Digital Sans Medium - Base 9 Regular SC - ITC Bauhaus Medium - FF Dot Matrix Two Regular (not sure if two is there) - Neo Sans Medium - Handel Gothic Bold - Agency Bold - Trade Gothic Bold - FF Meta Bold and Book - FF DIN Medium - Frutiger Bold - Frutiger Black - Avenir Book and Medium - Avenir Heavy - Helvetica Bold - Interstate Black - Interstate Regular - Alternate Gothic No. Two - ITC Officina Bold - Syntax Bold - Hoefler Text - Lisboa Sans - Klavika - Proxima Nova - Pixel Fonts - Catull